But lately things have been happening - Help!!

by Ali
(Indiana, United States)

I have been in a long term relationship for over 4 years with my boyfriend. But lately things have been happening that have made me question our relationship.

I dont want to come out and accuse him of cheating, but yet, something isnt right and I dont know how to find out for sure.

He has changed drastically. He has become very moody, he rarely talks to me and when he does it always ends in an argument.

So I try not to talk to much about anything. He is always being negative about me and everything I do, when before he would always compliment me.

Very rarely does he tell me how he feels anymore. He is always on his phone or computer and spends alot of time on facebook, chatting with old friends and "girl" friends.

If he gets a text message or call on his phone, he will turn it so I cant see it, or make the excuse that he has to go to the bathroom to look at his phone.

He goes to the bathroom alot. He has suddenly started making sure that nothing of mine or our kids is in his car. And is almost very demanding about it.

He works late alot, but he did that when we met, as his job is very demanding. But yet its becoming even more so all the time.

So does this mean he is cheating??? I dont know what to do. I had thought about driving to his work and watching him, to see what he is doing there, but Im afraid he would catch me or further yet, I wouldnt find a thing and then I would feel guilty for even questioning him.

What to do? I need to know. and my gut tells me somethign is wrong, but how can I approach it???

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