Cheating Jokes

Jokes About Cheating | Cheating Wives Jokes | Cheating Husband Jokes | Funny Jokes

Thank you for visiting our Cheating Jokes.

I've compiled a list of Funny Jokes about Cheating to get you started in you search to find that joke that makes your day.

Please help me to build this list of funny cheating and infidelity jokes by suggesting your favorite for possible inclusion.

A funny joke can lighten up your mood and allow you that release that you so much needed.

Unfortunately it seems that cheating and infidelity is not disappearing anytime soon, so the best that we can do is to cope with any situations that may arise until we get to a better place in life.

We would love to hear your favorite Cheating Jokes. If you don't feel like submitting your joke about cheating right now, feel free to just browse the ones left by our other visitors.

Cheating Jokes | Infidelity Jokes | Jokes about Cheating

 Joke about Cheating | Cheating Husband Jokes | Cheating Wife Jokes

A woman was cleaning her husband's dresser drawers when she found 3 golf balls and a box with $2000 in it. She waited for him to come home from the golf course to ask him why these things were hidden in his dresser drawer.

The husband said I'm sorry I hid this from you but the truth is every time I cheated on you over the last 30 years I put a golf ball in the drawer.

The wife was very upset at first but after thinking about it said "I guess 3 times in 30 years is really not that bad! Oh by the way what is the $2000 in the drawer?

The husband replied" Well every time I got to a dozen balls I sold them.

Cheating Husband Jokes | Cheating Wife Jokes

"That joke is totally hilarious!"

Here is your chance to submit a funny joke that you think will help to make someone else’s day. Feel free to include your story of that special joke about cheating that changed your day.Please submit the joke that you would like to see added to this list.

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