Could this be a sign of cheating or infidelity? - "Girlfriend is not tight down there"


Could this be a sign of cheating or infidelity?

My girlfriend and I have been spending time apart (extended time). We both agreed that we were still together but needed time to reflect on what we both wanted.

We also made it clear that we were not single and we would not be sexual with anyone else until we discussed our feelings when we were back together.

Recently, that "back together" happened. Things seemed a bit more silent than I was use to. I should probably write about that later, but my immediate concern was this.

From experience, when we do not have sex for a while she is always tight down there. This time, when we did make love she was not tight at all which is a first.

It also felt a little forced. I dont know if this had anything to do with our time apart making it uncomfortable or if she may have possibly met someone else.

I asked her, and she said "ofcourse not". I didnt want to push the issue because we were apart, but my mind has been playing tricks on me.

Could this be a sign of cheating or infidelity?

Your honest opinions are welcomed.

Comments for Could this be a sign of cheating or infidelity? - "Girlfriend is not tight down there"

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She is cheating with a guy with a big member.
by: Anonymous

If she was tight and she is not anymore someone loosened her up like a thick 10 to 12 incher. See if she displays new sexual techniques. Stuff she never did before. New moves on her part. Like she gets on top when she never did before. Or she blows and can deep thraot it but never did before. Or she handles your balls differently. Or suddenly she is not hesitant to swallow it and she never did before. Compare your past expereinces with her to present.

sumtmz, U just have to let stuff go
by: Anonymous

Had the same happen to me, but when i questioned her ... she told me what she thought i wanted to hear. I woek eeryday in psychiatric nursing, and am a pretty good read of people, but the truth came out later not so straight, but her actions... things just did not add up which let me know that she had lied about the whole thing. Hardest thing I ever had to do... but sometimes esp. if you don't have any proof... and you are no saint either, you just have to let things go. You may never get the truth. A woman is a deep ocean o secrets mostly that she will carry to her grave. but do lyou really want to live your life without this woman? In my case no!!! Good luck buddy

Female anatomy
by: Anonymous

From female reader :
Scenario 1:
She cheated on you (would have been more than once) with a man who is a fair bit more endowed than you are for it to feel loose to you, in which case there is also a large chance that there is / was damage done. A ball park frank doesn't fit in a mini sausage bun without a bit of ripping (understand?)

Scenario 2:
The muscles, because of lack of use, and not likely exercised (many women don't know how to do that to keep them tightened up) have fallen pray to the "sloppy syndrome." Like after giving birth ... just not THAT loose.

Not tight? she had it!!
by: Anonymous

My friend, my opinion just as a man, street wise, not proffesionally trained on the matter, not talking about your girlfriend,but when I found my girlfriend not tight down there after one month of me travelling, I discovered she was having sex with another man. I confronted her and she tolled me the truth with details...luckily for me she was sorry and she tolled me she did it just for pleasure..but that she wouldn't do it again because she loves me ...

Good Question!
by: Confused (NYC)

Hi Alabama,
It's a really good thing for men & women to be able to share, and this website is the perfect place.

Sometimes we don't always understand the opposite sex...emotionally, physically...whatever.

Anyway, I don't think that what you experienced with your girlfriend is uncommon and it doesn't neccesarily indicate she's been unfaithful.

Some parts of the month, hormones are surging and things are just different "down there". If you get a rhythm back with her, you'll probably see the differences more clearly and not tainted with paranoia.

Goodluck. Hope it works out okay.

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