Damm , it really does hurt

by Loveless

i never thought she would do something like that to me , me of all people i was her first everything ..first boy friend first kiss first love and she just tore my shit up with one silly ass call, she cheated ....damm my whole body felt num i..why...all these questions but to angry to even ask ,...damm that shit really did hurt , i thought i was with ms .special ms.take home to mom , god damm that stupid bitch already met my mom and she went off n did what she did i dont want retaliation....because i myself have cheated on her .infact the same night she was doing her i was doing me. but damm, it really hurts knowing that she did it to me , i guess im not intittled to feel this way ...i guess it just wasnt ment to be but for some reason i see that this is the girl i want to be ....with or maybe im just jelous....fu** it...im only 19

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