3 Important Decisions to Make When Dealing with a Cheating Boyfriend!

What are my choices when dealing with a cheating boyfriend? If you find out that your boyfriend is cheating, your relationship may never be the same. Are you ready to accept that fact?

When dealing with infidelity, the dynamics of a relationship changes and things get out of whack. Simple things that wouldn't require your trust now make you feel vulnerable.

What Are Your Choices?

You will have two choices when dealing with a cheating boyfriend. One choice will be to stay in the relationship in hopes that he will change. Is it possible that he can let go of his cheating ways? Is he just going through a phase?

Your other choice will be to pack your bags and head for the hills. This decision should be your choice if you do not see any hope in him changing. It might also be your best choice even if you do see a light at the end of the tunnel. It all depends what value you put on cheating in a relationship.

dealing with a cheating boyfriend

Can You Live With These Choices?

Whichever choice you make, you may always have the "what if" lingering in the back of your head for the choice you left behind.

If you stay, will you ever be able to trust him? Will you ever truly connect with him again?

How about if you choose to walk away? Was there ever a chance that he would man up to the situation and become a committed boyfriend and maybe a great husband and father?

These are a few things that will be making your decision difficult.

Will He Ever Change?

If you knew the answer to this question your choice to stay may be a little less risky. But of course you don't have a crystal ball so why even ask.

You are right, you may never know what the future holds but if you do not see your boyfriend as a person with exceptional qualities and good heart then you should not even be considering the choice of staying.


When dealing with a cheating boyfriend you do have to consider that we are all human and we will make mistakes. However, there are good people that make bad decisions and then there are bad people that well, are just bad.

"Cheating in a relationship is totally unacceptable" - Heather from Dallas

Which one are you with? If you are able to answer that question then your choice to stay or go should be an easier one. Good luck!

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