Did my digging and found out he was cheating

by Amber

Ok. When I met my boyfriend I learned he lied about being divorced and having one kid with his x wife. He didn't see his kid and I got him to start seeing his kid again. But I became pregnant with his child and he spent weekends quote "Seeing his kid" at his x wifes house. I was not stupid, he was sleeping with her. I didn't like him going over there and he wouldn't stop so I tried to end it and he stopped going over there. I took awhile to forgive him.
Then a year later when I became pregnant with our second child he was going out every once and a while with friends from work after work. I found it weird because when I first met him he would only go 2 a year out with the guys. Now it was weekly. We were having sex several times a week and now it was once a week or not at all for 2 weeks. He said he was too tired. I noticed his nice favorite shirts were missing from the closet and he just bought a new phone didn't tell me, and bought a new truck and didn't allow me in it and hid his cell and keys to the truck.
I found his keys and went into his truck. Looked in his cell and right there were what I thought to be happening. There were 3 womens phone numbers in the cell phone. I called every women in it and asked who they were. One said this was Toms girlfriend, and the other said that they had dated for a few months back this year. The other women was a old girlfriend from years ago but they were seeing each other again. All said they were not sleeping with him. I found out he was going and meeting them at clubs and a few blocks from the house at a mall, going out to dinner etc. Two had kids. He didn't even tell them about me or that he had children.
I confronted him about it and said he didn't do anything with them, never met up with them. I went onto one of there myspace pages and there were pics with him with one of the women. I told him I had pics why he lied about it.
I made some rules about what he needs to do to gain my trust back. Are these unfair?

1. No talking to other women unless they are your guy friends girlfriends.
2. No going out to clubs without me or you can only go with your guy friends but I have to know your friends.
3.To always be able to get in his truck or cell.

Those were it and he said he wouldnt' agree to all of them. His excues to the locked truck was that he had credit cards in it, and he doesn't think i should look through his things. I always leave my cell out and keys to the car. he can go through my things anytime he wants but thats because im not fulling around.
He seems angry that I don't want him to talk to this other women.

Any advice?

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he NEEDS to earn your trust back!!!!
by: Anonymous

You should be able to trust your partner and by the sounds of these terms you have not got this trust yet.

Until he has proved to you that he has earned your trust, he should be the one grovelling NOT you apologising!

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