Gutted to say the least

by Mark

I met girl and she was all I thought of.
we got together and spent some time getting to know each other.

We took things slow and not make the same mistakes we did in other relationships
for me it was love at first sight but she was taking things slow.

Then one day she told me she was in love with me and that felt so good.

We agreed to wait for the special time before we make love.

Time past and things was great.

But then there was silence from her and i thought of all things of why she would stop talking to me.

Then all of a sudden she told me she had sex with her x boyfriend.

Of all the things I thought of about why she would be silent, doing that to me was not even in my mind.

I am angry at her but i still love her.
I cant get the images of him with her out of my head.

My emotions are all over the place.
I want to forget about all this and start afresh but will all them images go away, i wonder.

thanks for reading :)

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