He cheated on me with my "best friend"

by Anonymous

My boyfriend well ex boyfriend cheated on my with my so called best friend. She knew I was dating him and, he knew she knew. So in their mind it was ok he didn't need to worry about her saying something to me. This friend of mind wasn't the greatest fiend she alway lied to me and hurt me. I was trying to give her one more chance. I knew she had a thing for my boyfriend but I told her over and over again that she could tell me if something was going on I would not be mad or any thing. But she continued to date him behind my back she started dating him 2weeks after I went out with him. I thought something was going on but I never would have thought this. I saw them kissing one day, that's how I found out. He tried to talk to me after that and I was trying to give him a chance to tell me himself. Then when he went in to kiss me I pushed away and told him what I saw he tried to deny it. I told my "friend" to. All she said was "you should be happy for me because he make me happy" she then told me they were dating for 2 months. At that point Nathan and I have been dating for about 3months. I told him I was done but he keeps trying to talk to me and hook up with me, same with the "friend she keeps trying to talk to me. I don't know what to do it has been 3weeks scenes this has all happend. I don't know if I want to talk to either one of them. They both made me think it was real.

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Move on
by: Laura

Neither of them deserve you. Let them have each other. It's not going to last.

to you from me
by: Anonymous

dont let them Control you i is Your Choice and that friend of Yours stay away from her and forget about Your ex boyfriend if Your friend tries to come back to you then ask her first of how long they have been togheter on Your back, but anyways dont let her get back at you she may only because you date another one so she could've taken too and if you ontt like the you date talk to him about this

i know it wasn't a good help at all cause i am very Young.

take care

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