I Am Having an Affair With a Married Man - "I know it's wrong but.."
"One day I hope to see a very good person staring back at me"
I Am Having an Affair With a Married Man
I am single but still...I never thought I would ever end up on a site like this admitting (even though its anonymous)to something like this. But here I am and I have found myself entangled in one big mess.
I met B**** around two years ago at our job, and we started out as friends. When I received my promotion it put me in a position in which I was working with him more in a one on one situation.
As we interacted more, we mutually began to throw in little flirtatious comments here and there. It then lead to us going out to lunch often.
The entire time this was going on, I never imagined a scenario in which it would ever be more than just "flirting on the job".
From what I knew, he was happily married and surely I never thought he would cross that line, because he was married.
Slowly I became the proverbial "shoulder to lean on". More and more, the discussions became how unhappy he was in his marriage. I didn't mind giving him my advice but the conversations began to get deeper and deeper and it was as if I was slowly but surely getting "sucked in".
Then there was the night....
There usually is that one night, and ours was after a few of us from the office went out to happy hour. We both had enough to drink (not blaming it on the alcohol) and "IT" happened that night.
And what an "EXPLOSIVE" night "IT" was...
and there more, and more, and more just like that one...
I know it's wrong but my body and my mind wanted it to continue.
I am having an affair with a married man and I am not happy to say it, but it has gotten to where I now have extremely strong feelings for this man.
I will not even dare to ask him if he would ever leave his wife because I know what they usually say and I am almost certain what the outcome of that will be.
So here I am....
Entangled in this love affair heading full speed down a narrow one way street, with no brakes, and a roadblock ahead.
This post was my first effort, in attempting to brace myself for impact. I am not even sure if he is truly in on the ride but I am certain that someone will get hurt
I am having an affair with a married man but I now know what has to happen despite the consequences.
I know that I can not stop you from judging me, and only I know that I didn't begin with any bad intentions.
I truly do feel bad for allowing myself to get to this point in my life.
I will be looking for the strength, courage and guidance to hopefully be able to redeem myself.
I look forward to the day that I can stand in front of a mirror, look deep into my own eyes and know that there is a very good person looking back at me.
That day is not today...