Comments for I Am the Other Woman - "I now know I deserve to be more than your husband's mistress"

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hacking NEW
by: elliest

finally i got in contact with
they helped me hack into my EX
facebook smoothly, hacked into his emails and cell phone.the sweetest
of all is that they are fast and quick which helped during my Divorce. mentioning my
name would make him respond and treat you better as we are now close.
Just tell him you are from me,A.E . He also does so many other hacks like
facebook, whatsapp, bank, credit card,paypal,skype,Snapchat,Calls... just name it

The wife
by: Anonymous

He tells you I don't want sex and you believe him.. He doesn't want sex and it's not because I'm fat or ugly or not in shape.. he's bored and he will tell you whatever you want to hear and believe to get laid.. I am the wife who cooks, cleans, and buys his clothes so he looks good.. I Love him and do whatever possible for him.. You are the fool who thinks they deserve more.. If you did he would be with you..

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