I don't know what to think..

by Marissa

I don't know what to think...

My husband had this female coworker who he would hang out with him on his lunch breaks,even look at victoria's secret magazines with her on breaks (which he refused to do with me.

She's been invited to play pool with he and I and other coworkers and she's never shown up, but calls the other coworkers and has them put him on the phone which I didn't feel comfortable with because he would hang up when he noticed me staring at him.

The worst part is he lied to me one night and said he was going to his friend/coworkers place to play video games and would be back by dinner and when dinner came around, he never showed up, so I waited a while then called our cell phone and it went straight to voice mail so I proceeded to call his friend thinking something might have happened.

His friends brother answered and told me they went out to a club. I was so upset and waited for him to come home and he did at 3am wasted.

The next day we were talking about why he did what he did and I asked him who went with them and he told me it was his friend and his girlfriend, my hubby and the girl from work and that he was dancing with only her and buying her drinks..

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