"I dont know why i did it "-

by Gdur
(Inland Empire,CA)

I have been married for 4 happy years, wait I mean 4 and 9 months of happy ones I think.and like all couples we have had our agruments.

We lately we have seem to disconnect and the sex drive we had before seriously went down i was like the man i had a high sex drive and he didnt seem to appreceite it.

Well he got got up in some web based game online and was playing hours on end and we would fight about it all the time.but low and behold things were becoming shady he was always on there and he ended up meeting a girl on there and lied and said he was 22 when he is 32 and starting emailing and sending pics of lower regions even sending videos.

I was shocked and I did find out who it was and called her and she was in shock had no idea that he was married with 6 kids and she sent me stuff that he had sent her. OMG they cybered and phone sex and then he had the gall to go and see in and make out with her with the possiblity of sleeping with her.

Im hurt,shocked enraged and stupid cuz I want my husband back but yet I know I can never look at him the same its killing me. Please help

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