I Keep Dreaming that My Wife is Cheating on Me? Should I Be Concerned?

by Chris

I Keep Dreaming that My Wife is Cheating on Me? Should I Be Concerned?

For the past two weeks I have been having different dreams, but for the most part the central theme involves my wife being unfaithful. The dreams are very vivid and they usually involve her cheating with someone we know.

The strange thing is, it hasn't been like she is cheating with the same guy. Because of this I don't know if there is some insecurity issues buried in my subconscious that I don't know about. For the most part, I feel that I am a confident man and this is the first time in my life that I have experienced dreams such as these.

My wife is a very pretty woman and she is also very sensual but I have never had trust issues with her. I really don't want my insecurities to create an issue in our marriage if there really isn't one. I have always felt that if you go snooping you will come across something that you don't want to find. Even if it isn't infidelity, I may find something that will bring stress to our marriage.

Should I just sit tight and let these episodes of infidelity dreams pass? Or should I be worrying about my dreams one way or another?

I know there are usually explanations or theories of what dreams mean and I would love to hear some feedback from anyone that may know about these kind of dreams. I love my wife, and I feel we have a very good marriage and I really don't want to drive any wedges between us unnecessarily . Thank you in advance.

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Leave it alone
by: Anonymous

I understand that you are dreaming a lot that your wife is cheating on you but I think the key all that you have said is that you fee that you have a good marriage.

You didn't mention noticing and signs of her cheating on you. If you did then I think my advise would be different but you didn't. This tells me that it may just me something that will pass.

Maybe you should just mentally make notes of her behavior and actions for a few weeks and if nothing alarms you or lead you to question her actions then you should just leave it alone.

Thank goodness it's just dreams of your wife cheating. Give thanks!

Good luck!

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