by Kim
About september last year after i had come home from hospital (after loosing our baby) i found heaps of text messages on his mobile phone to and from dating services..
when i confronted him about them he said he only done it to see what i would do... it was around then that he began to stop being as affectionate as he was before....
Then about 4 months ago he made a trip away and spent the night at another girl's house after swearing to me that he would not go and meet up with her....
He had ignored all of my call's and only spoke to his sister over the phone... we were having sex every chance we got up until then, when he came home and we picked him up from the airport and he would not look at me or even talk to me..
He looked at the floor all the way home....
Ever since then he has been moody, and avoiding me and spending time as just the two of us.... Its an effort to get him to make love to me at least once a week...
He is always telling me that i should be with someone better then him, he showers at least 3 times a day when he is working, he rinces out his underwear before he gets home from work...
Sometime's he is home from work early, but most of the time he is late by a full hour....
A full pack of condoms has vanished from the bedroom, at first he said that he threw them out, then he had started accusing me of using them and that he had never said that he threw them away...
the woman he spent the night with told him that she was unexpectadly pregnant
i asked him if it was his and his reply was i dont think its mine, it dosn't add up... but he still swears that he never done anything with her and that i need to be put into an insane assylum....
Recently i discovered that he had been flirting with women over the internet, until the early hours of the morning.... i tore shreds off him for it...
I think he has been cheating but dont have enough evidence to prove it.... i really need help to be able to catch him out, so i can call things off completley if he is
Comments for I think my partner of 2 years is cheating, but cant find any solid evidence....