In my own house..."Its hard treading water..when you feel so all alone"

by Sarah Jane

My husband and I will have been married for about 9 years...this November. We have always had issues...but only beacause of his lying...secrecy...unfaithfulness. He had always said..I was overyly jealous, paranoid, I never had "proof" or it was circumstantial evidence...

...Last friday he wanted to have a "co-worker poker night" at our house. I had suspected him messing around on me with his coworker...he denied it as usual but with venem.

After most everyone went home two people stayed behind to drink, a guy and the other "girl". I went upstairs to tuck my son in ...told everyone I was going to sleep, I went down stairs 15 minutes later the house was dark, I walk back towards the garage...light was on and I open the find them both entangled on the dog couch.

Every suspicion I ever had was true and realized in that moment..but not even the courtesy of getting a heart my life was torn from me that moment...the next morning..I felt a sense of freedom...that I had lost. The days following have had the usual fighting...heartache..lonelyness..abandonment..rage. But I think this had to happen so I could finally find happiness with someone that truly cares and loves me...

Makes me laugh because he loves my smile. The thing is...she's a meth head...I do not nor have I ever done drugs...or my husband. He chose someone that was easy because he wanted a quick lay.

I am very pretty...not superficially either...I am honest, strong, and naturally pretty...and he took away my self worth in that one moment...

Its hard treading water..when you feel so all alone. But I keep thinking eventually I will find the man I was supposed to meet...and feel that much more gratification for doing so...

I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy...I now know hate. Perhaps in the future I will know love, and trust...we shall see.

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I Feel For You
by: Suzanne

I Know What You Mean. It Is So Hard When You Find It Going On In Your Own House. More so, While You Are not That far away.

Another Room In Your House! I Can't Stand A Man Who Cheats, Especially In His Own Home, Where He Lives, With His Wife & Family.!! NOR CAN I STAND The The "IT" Who, Willingly Participates In INFIDELITY! In A Word, TRAMP!!

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