Is Shaq Cheating on Shauna?

by Chris

Is Shaq Cheating on Shauna?

Is Shaq Cheating on Shauna?

Is Shaq cheating on Shauna?

I just read and article on a website called "Young,Black and Fabulous" in which it discusses Shaq cheating on his wife with Gilbert Arenas' fiance.

I'm wondering if Shaq is doing this because his wife cheated on him with her personal trainer and he just wants to get her back.

According to the website, Gilbert and Laura are about to have their third child soon. This is scandalous and I am wondering if it is true.

The website seems to be a credible site, so I guess it may be a matter of time before we hear some more news.

It's a shame though. Shaq and his wife almost didn't make it during their last bout of infidelity.

His wife had this to say in the "Palm Beach Post":

Neither one of us could probably answer why we were getting one in the first place,” Shaunie O’Neal said. “Things have been going so great, that someone actually had to remind us that ‘Hey, you do remember those papers are still there.’ Literally, it was days ago. So, we’ve agreed that before we leave Florida in a few days we’ll make sure that that’s gone away…The kids and I kind of learned about the divorce at the same time. So that was hard. That was probably the worst part of the whole thing, was being able to deal with how hurt the whole kids were.”

Well..I am still wondering..Is Shaq Cheating on Shauna?

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"Shauna files for Separation"
by: Anonymous

It seems to be true. There are court documents on the web with the date of Nov. 9th as the date she filed for separation in California.

I guess Shaq cheated...

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