Long term affair...

by Tim
(Waterloo Illinois USA)

My wife was in an affair that lasted 7 years. She kept a diary that would make 50 Shades of Grey blush. I read it. This is for a full 7 years.

It stopped after I saw the diary. She was still with him affirm I learned of the affair, both physically and emotionally.

The affair would have lasted indefinitely as it was as hot and heavy as any yar before. We had been married 6 years when she started her affair. During that time she said she always loved me.

Imagine her getting her needs met several times a week and then saying that to me. What would you think?

Her boyfriend was also her boss. After the affair she worked with him for 2 years. He was her boss!

One very sick part of her affair goes like this: He had more than her as a single mistress. My wife the cheater would be jealous of other mistresses!

If that guy did other women like he did my wife there couldn't have been in juice left in the tank for nighttime and his wife, if you know what I mean!

He was able to lavish my wife with gifts, travel, and sex anytime day or night anywhere. He had the most perfect situation for the immoral man.

After all these years I am still haunted by this memory. Imagine if you will your spouse the on-call girl for her boss. He held her and talked with her is her reason for the affair.

I think during that time she realized being one of the mistresses to him was hot and she knew he would treat her to the maximum thrill and sexually adventure of her life.

In summary, the affair has destroyed our marriage. thirty-five years later we are little better off then we were in 1982 when I found out about her LONG TIME infidelity.

In retrospect, I should have left the situation behind and moved forward. Sadly, she had more sex in those 7 years then we have had in the 43 other years. I haven't touched her in more than 35 years.

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