
by DebbieM

I sit on the bed on that warm summer night
watching out the window at the beautiful moonlight

thoughts of my children growing up through the years
the moonlight gets blurred by my many tears

they are older now and no longer need me
I am weak and broken and so very lonely

aching to beleive I had finally found love
as I watched out the window at the stars above

releasing the walls I had up for so long
my hero at last so big and strong

sharing our lives and released from the dark
camping, the drive-in, the yardsales and even the water park

then one day you stopped being a friend to me
and started to become my worst enemy

the lies, the cheating, the constant pain
I became the target of your hearts distain

I lay in bed and do nothing but weep
I am so lost in my sadness I can no longer sleep

I sit up everynight trying to make sense of it all
and just wish to myself I had kept up that wall

as I sit accross our bed that night
I know I no longer have the strength to fight

I've finally surrendered to my hearts distress
while you are off with your latest mistress

I take the blade and watch as it sparkles in the light
knowing tonight is finally the night

as the blade caresses my exposed wrist
I start to feel the release as it begins to twist

the pain and the sadness escaping into thin air
as I look down at my bestdress I'd chosen to wear

finally escaping this body of mine
today you will remember me because its my day to shine

as the first drop hits the floor
I feel the peace of knowing there will be no more

I lay back on the bed and as my head hits the pillow
I start to imagine heaven all filled with lilacs and willows

I take my last breath and release the air once more
as I hear you come through the door

closing my eyes for the last time
finally the power, is all mine

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