My Heart
At our first meeting i knew from the start,that you were the one who would fill up my heart.
From that day on I gave you my all, as weeks & years passed, the deeper in love I would fall.
I handed you my heart, my trust, my life & dreamed of the day when you would be my wife.
A lifetime of love, to honor & cherish, being by your side until the day that I perished.
Each second I worked hard never losing sight of that dream, thinking you dreamed it too, kept it as real as it seemed.
Now that dream is gone, you stepped out on us, the dream is a nightmare since your moment of lust.
We can't go back & fix what you've done, we'll never be the two we wanted to be one.
I release the pain, now it's all yours, I'm leaving it all behind, I'm closing the doors.
You're nothing to me now like you were before our start, someone will come along who really deserves my heart.