My husband will never forgive me

by Amy
(New Jersey USA)

"My husband will never forgive me.."

One Saturday afternoon my husband and some of his friends watched football all day drinking beer, as the night winded down my husband informed me one of his friends was spending the night from drinking too much.

As he went to bed i went to the rec room to clean up after them, as i was doing so Sam woke up and we talked some, he insisted we play a game of pool and in doing so he was touching me, i felt awkward but never stopped him till the point he was grinding against me.

He then proceeded to pull my shorts and panties down together which i stepped out of, he bent me over and entered me with what felt like a baseball bat, he worked in and out of me with what felt like eternity till i felt him erupt inside me.

Then he just walked back to the couch and laid down, i couldn't even look at him in the morning.

My husband suspects something happened but i kept denying it but its too late now, i admitted to it when i found out i was pregnant,

I'm now a single mom of 2, third one on the way from a black man, was it worth it?

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by: JEFF

NO, you didnt think of your children.
It was in your FAMILY home.
Youve brought another life into the world?
Is this OTHER man standing by you now?????
I doubt it. This is what I said to my cheating partner;"Do these other men care about you"?
Are they there for you when youre upset etc???
The big answer is NO, she was just a vagina.
Good luck in life. regards jeff

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