My mom found out for me

by Kylie
(United States)

i wasn't really dating this boy but we were pretty serious about each other. even considering going all the way. well my mom works at the place where his football team practices. for a couple days she saw him with this other girl which she thought was fairly suspicous.

One day she saw them kissing. now she didn't tell me until about two or three weeks later. i was so devastated that when i confronted him about it in an email my hands were shaking.

He replied mad at me that i "didn't know who he was" and he would never do something like that. i sent him an email apologizing convincing myself that my mother made up the whole story because she was not fond of our relationship.

Well later i found out that the supposive girl he was lip locking with was in his profile picture on Facebook. After that i never even bothered to send another email to him.

The worst part was he didn't try to contact me ever again. it was like i was never a part of his life. now i have a new boyfriend and he treats me perfectly and i think of this heartbreak as more of a stepping stone because without all this heartbreak i would have never met the guy i am with now.

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