My neighbor n my husband

by Riyadh
(Novaliches q.c.)

i was working abroad.we have this neighbor whose husband is also working abroad.ive heard rumors that my husband n our neighbor used to go neighbor used to asked my husband to accompany her to movies,dinner,shopping and even she wanted to accompany her to her children told me thatmy husband is always in our neighbors house,they saw that this woman tickles my husband n they were laughing together inside their house.when i went home ive notice that my husband is always in a hurry in the morning and there is a time that he scolded my son because he wants to take a bath first ahead my son who is going to school.ive notice that also he changes the color of his shirt,before he wants darker color shirt.he changes to light color.and when im asking him,hes so paranoid and it turns to disagreement and quarrel.i saw both of them early in the morning nearby the parking of tricycle going to work.i got mad and confronted them.i saw lipstik mark on my husband neck.he told me its mosquito bites only i told him its red and when he wipe it its gone.i was crying.until now this women keep bugging my husband.i want to tell this to her husban.but how.

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