Pregnant and Paranoid - "Am I crazy and hormonal?"

My husband and I have been married for a little over a year. We've had small problems here and there over the years... Mainly him talking too frequently to women from work, the gym, etc. I've known all of these women, and he introduces them to me, but that doesn't stop it from bothering me when I notice emails or text messages. I don't think I'm a crazy jealous wife, but he's a married man. He would freak if I were entertaining other men. Last year he was flirting, going to lunch, calling/texting an associate from work incessantly. When I confronted him and asked for counseling (we had just gotten married, they talked on our honeymoon!), he admitted he had crossed the line and cut off all ties. I'm 6 months pregnant with our first baby and now he is texting and emailing a lady from the gym who happens to be going through a divorce constantly, and talks about her all the time. They've been having lunch together alone. Am I crazy and hormonal?

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