Right Now I am Cheating on My Boyfriend With My Ex Lover

Right Now I am Cheating on My Boyfriend With My Ex Lover

Don't get me wrong, I really love my boyfriend but when I am with my ex lover I feel more passion and its like only he is on my mind.

The fact is I can't have a real relationship with my ex lover because of the fact that he's my baby daddy's best friend.

I've been loving this man for about 4 years now and I cant seem to get enough of him.

But I love my man too, I just don't know what to do!! I know that cheating with my ex lover is not right.


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Never happy
by: Sigh

I cant stop you from what you are doing but all i can say is you ex will up and leave an soon you will find that you bf started seeing some one else
on the days you are with the other man and u will get mad even when you are doing the same thing
and blame him.

My gf did it to me she cheated and i felt like it was over, i found out she cheated and there was another woman there for me at the time, i did not have sex with this woman but she was there for me

My gf OM left her and she came around but it was to late she pushed me away i m now happily married
to my new wife, my old gf still tries to call me
bu i have noting to tell her and she has nothing good to offer me. My advice is if you really love them both thats ok but you can not be committed to them both.....because some day you will meet a man that you love with all you have and he will step out and then you will call him a dog.

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