Signs im getting from her are that she is having an affair.

I dont know if im being paranoid or what but the feeling i have is killing me. Things havnt been right in my 15 year marrage for a while now and its getting worse every day. My wife (32y) is treating me like dirt at the moment and the signs im getting from her are that she is having an affair.

I work full time and she stays at home to take the kids to school and do other house work but no house work is getting done and she is at the gym all the time but she aint loosing weight. Lately things have changed that is out of carector for her, our sex life has took a dive and everytime we have sex she makes me fell guilty and dirty and she wont try anything different all i get when i ask is " im not a teenager im to old for that stuff".

Last week whilst putting away the washing i found a few sets of sexy underware in her draw and even stockings which when i asked her about them she told me she has just bought the underware and the stockings she has had for years (iv never seen them) and last night whilst having sex i found out that she has shaved down below which she has never done before and i dont meen trimmed i meen shaved.

When i asked her why she told me that i was paranoid and she felt like a change. She got all defencive and started saying "you think im having an affair dont you". I think that she might be as there have been other signs over the last few weeks.

We have 4 kids and i know life is tough but the feeling im getting is one of fear and hatred towards everything. Im i being paranoid like she says or do i have reason.

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