Something of a Surprise

by Robert Johnson
(Kent UK)

My wife started an affair with the couple next door in late 1985. The first knowledge of anything unusual was in Mid 2010 when I came home several hours earlier than normal.

She was being fu**ed on the dining room table by a man very considerably younger. She was 55 at the time and I later found that he was around 23.

I left them to it and came home much later. She swore that he was her only extra marital friend and that it had been going on for about 6 months.

She met him while he was mending the computers at the Parish Hall. I did not inquire too much more as I did not really know how to deal with any of it.

After a week I contacted the neighbors by then ex wife and asked her if she had ever noticed anything untoward.

Visitors to the house and that sort of thing. She told me that she thought I knew and after a while told me what had been going on first with her and her ex husband and then with others both in our houses and at a couple of venues in north kent.

My wife it seems made herself obvious to her ex husband and his wife could see what was happening and encouraged it. It eventually happened on weekend night while I was away as an army reservist and he had her in their lounge while his wife watched and then joined in.

My wife it seems was more than enthusiastic and was willing to do things that his ex wife did not/would not and she became his special plaything and was introduced to others that they played with.

In 1997 and 1999 she became pregnant and both times his ex wife went with her while she had terminations. The first one was definitely his and the second either his or one of his friends.

She still goes in next door and keeps a lot of her outfits in there. On occasions she will get ready in the kitchen downstairs after I have gone to bed and I have many times picked her up on the CCTV going in around midnight and coming home any time up until 4 am.

I used to go downstairs to see if there were any clues and the kitchen usually stunk of her perfume and on one occasion a makeup bag was next to the sink with items/colours that she never wore for me.

Apparently he likes her in heavy eye shadow and lipstick, big hoop ear-rings and heels and not much else which she loves doing for him.

During the day we are talking Mrs Average who is very well regarded in the village and does 'good work' for the community.

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