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know what you are going through
by: Anonymous

I know what you are going through this bitch has been calling my husband and he has her on his phone in a bed with only his shirt on open and all of her fat shit hanging out. he said, he loves her all she is after is his money. Too make a longe story short he hides his cellphone he makes sure all the calls are gone before he gets home he has that phone with him at all times. If I ask too check the phone calls he says why you need too trust me. I watch him and his moods are so bad when i know he has talked to her. I have called her and ask her too go away . My husband and I have been together for 15 years . She is younger and has two small children and married how about that lives in ohio columbus all i have is a phone nummber and can not get her address . I have tried . Her husband does not know. I want too tell him so she can get the greff i am at home

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