Unsure - "Lately, I had a suspicion that he cheated on me with my brother's wife"

by Pacific Lady

I'm 39 and have been married to my husband for 10 years now. My husband is a quiet and reserved type.

Lately, I had a suspicion that he cheated on me with my brother's wife. This was during my last stages of pregnancy with out third child. The reason I felt this was that our bathroom window has a bit of space at the bottom and clothes were always put there to cover the space, but since I started having a baby sitter, the clothes are no longer there.

I asked him about this and he said it was my cousins who probably put it there. Since then even thoug my cousins sleep over the space has not been covered.

I have asked one of my cousins about the window and clothes cover issue and he said that yes somtimes he covers the space with the clothes but that the clothes were already there on the window to begin with.

My husband and I are staying with my brother and his wife at our mom's house after she died and both my husband and sister-in-law were not working at that time.

My hubby was staying at home to care for our 2 year old son while I work so there were just the three of them at home.

I want to say that my husband doesn't talk much to my sister in law and he sometimes says that he hates it when my brother takes great care of my sister in law because she whines too much and is lazy.

I feel that they were having sex in the bathroom when we were working since we have neighbors around and they can be spotted in the other rooms, but I am not really sure since they don't really talk much to each other even at the beginning of our stay.

We've been staying there for over 3 years now. Can anyone enlighten me about this feeing and situation? I would really appriciate it, thank you.

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