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Living this nightmare myself
by: Anonymous

I recently found out my husband of 23 years had an affair and I am trying to process everything including how to handle every day.

I don't want o give up on us and know I can't blame myself - he made the choice and will live with the guilt the rest of his life.

It's so hard to be able trust again but even harder if he is truly committed to working on us.

I went to a therapist for the first time in my life and suggested that he speak to someone too. I told him we need to identify the problems that got us into our ticket to therapy - wasn't only the cheating but lots of unresolved issues.

So hard to get through each day.

It Doesn't Matter What You Do.....
by: Anonymous

I done all those things that you said a woman should do. Even through the difficult pregnancy and death of our son.

I never took him for granted even for a second. He is pampered and taken care of every moment.

He will tell you himself, along with his friends, that he is the luckiest man alive. He got down on his knees with a ring and asked me to marry him at Christmas.

A few weeks later he is screwing his ex girlfriend. And it is NOT from lack of sex....believe me.

He is very well taken care of at home. He manages to get her and me pregnant within a day of each other and while I was miscarrying our little girl, he was screwing her.

I ask him what he wants and he says "I want you to marry me and be with me forever". I decide to forgive him and give him another chance and he still doesn't stop talking to her and texting her.

He doesn't love her, doesn't even want to be with her. Its the attention, the rush of adrenaline from the forbidden fruit.

Its the need for different p*ssy. Its a terrible sickness and most men are infected with it.

God, what I wouldn't give to have the mind of a man!

dont understand men
by: Anonymous

he tells me he's falling in luv w/me- 2 weeks later when i didnt give it up to him, he disappears and stops calling wtf?

by: Anonymous

this is a really good article and i wish i could take the advice at the end and walk away but i cant. WHY???. i hate myself for putting up with the lies.

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