You once Called Me your Princess - "God didn,t think it was meant to be"

by Stephanie Kellner

You once called me your princess,

and i called you my prince.
i knew it was a fairytale,
not all good things could last.
you rode off on your horse,
and i was left there hurt.
i didnt know what to do,
so i sat and thought of you.
i cried and hoped,
and cried and prayed
that you'd come back for me.
each second went by slowly,
everyday i was let down.
you told me that you loved me,
oh how i thought it was true.
i wish you would have seen
how much i really did love you.
and now this happened to me,
and finally i could see,
this happened for a reason,
God didn't think it was meant to be!

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